He is Allah—there is no god except Him— the Sovereign, the All-holy, the All-benign, the Securer, the All-conserver, the All-mighty, the All-compeller, the All-magnanimous. Clear is Allah of any partners that they may ascribe [to Him]!
A man asked the Prophet, “Which Islam is best?” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: To feed the hungry and to greet with peace those you know and those you do not know.”
In the Name of God the Source of Mercy and Compassion. May He bless His Beloved Messenger Muhammad and grant him abundant peace. This blog collects Muslim sermons (khutbas), talks and other resources (etc.) for anyone interested in Islam. Many of the sermons are by Sheikh Abdul Hakim Murad (a.k.a. T. J. Winter) of Cambridge University, hence the name.
My Lord, accept my repentance, wash away my sin, answer my supplication, clearly establish my evidence, guide my heart, make true my tongue and draw out malice in my breast.